Lovecraft! (If I Cthulhu Once . . .)


Lovecraft!  (If I Cthulhu Once, I Cthulhu A Thousand Times)

H.P. Lovecraft and his fictional worlds hold a place of cherished fear within the hearts of so many people, even to this very night.  To help you enjoy all that tentacle-enriched, maddening goodness in places you might not have found yet, we are featuring a series of the Lovecraftian you’ll find worth your time.  We think this may become a semi-regular series for your pleasure.  Lovecraft’s creations and offshoots never fade from memory or nightmare.

Shall we begin with some summer recreation?  I can just see you on the beach at sunset, tradewinds cooling you in the after-sun glow, your book (digital or hard copy) in one hand and notepad waiting on the nearby weatherproofed table for any sudden inspiration to hit.  That isn’t an umbrella I see in your drink?  There’d better be a monsoon pushing your way over the dark, glyph-covered monolith for you to need the protection of a paper umbrella looking that cute.  Onward to Lovecraft.  Click an image for the option to buy.

Part One

Let’s start with the basics, a solid collection of H.P. Lovecraft work.  Many different publishers have put out collections by Lovecraft.   I’ll just show you one of the many different releases worth their cost:

At 99 cents for a Kindle edition, you’re instantly prepared to read a bunch of Lovecraft’s tales in one digital book on either Kindle or free Kindle app.  Keep the mythos handy wherever you go with the anthology.  Read this one and you’ll have a much stronger sense of Lovecraft’s work.

Here’s one of the better modern documentaries on the subject of H.P. Lovecraft:

Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown

This award-winning documentary takes a solid look at the man and his work, and steps into the minds of respected, popular horror authors and filmmakers who don’t hold back when telling you why they are so influenced by Lovecraft.  The pace is lively, the visuals are effective, the soundtrack sets the mood, and the director knows his craft.  The care taken in creating this documentary is evident.  See this one and you’ll begin to understand why Lovecraft is beloved to the point of cult creation.

The Lovecraft eZine, July 2013

For those times you want more than the original Weird Tales stories, or the documentary, there are some magazines carrying on the Lovecraft tradition.  Lovecraft eZine is an obvious choice.  This magazine, if even by name alone, carries stories geared to a taste for the Cthulhu mythos and Lovecraftian horror; if they didn’t, the Lovecraft eZine publishers would have been pulled into the murky depths long ago in outrage by their local townsfolk of batrachian lineage.

You’ll notice a decently atmospheric cover on each issue, and one look at their table of contents is enough to persuade you to indulge in some entertaining Lovecraft eZine stories.  Go on, it’s Summer, set loose your inner Great Old One for a while.

Cthulhu 2000, Anthology, Kindle Edition

Even though this anthology is older, the incredible list of authors included make it practically a guaranteed pleasure for you to read.  A beautiful cover by Bob Eggleton only serves to enhance the experience.  This anthology is more about Lovecraftian horror, and contains none of Lovecraft’s original stories in it.  That is the link to the Kindle Edition. 

Here is the link to the paperback “Cthulhu 2000” anthology:

To wrap up this Part One of things Lovecraftian, seal it off with a slimy twist-tie and toss it into a nearby abyss, I must include a little Cthulhu whimsy for you:

Cthulhu Slippers

 Let the plush tentacles wrap your feet in Old Ones style.  Look down in madness before you take another step!

Cthulhu Rising Water Globe


A six inch globe filled with Cthulhu rising up, on a heavy base upon which is inscribed a famous Lovecraftian quote, makes this a water globe to add to your collection.  The color-changing background lighting is, I suppose, a bonus effect.  Water globes can be a charming decoration in the home, and who has more warmth and charm than Cthulhu?

Nyarlathotep Plush Toy

There are two versions of this, shall I say, adorable Nyarlathotep plush toy.  The first is rarer:


 And the second, much more available:


 That wraps up our Part One of Lovecraft summer ideas for fun and recreation. 

Until next we meet here,
Enjoy your night,

Goth-Girl Editor